Companies are watching closely, warning investors that exchange rate fluctuations could be difficult to manage going forward. 正在密切关注汇市变化的公司警告投资者称,未来的汇率波动或许很难管理。
The move is aimed at reducing the risk from exchange rate fluctuations and giving impetus to declining overseas trade, according to a statement posted on the government website. 政府网站上发表的声明表示,该决定旨在规避汇率风险,保持对外贸易稳定增长。
Such exchange rate fluctuations happen all the time. What causes them? 这种兑换率的波动一直在发生,它是什么引起的呢?
South Korea's export industry should firmly face the challenges, and no longer subject to the exchange rate fluctuations. 韩国的出口业应坚定不移地面对挑战,使其不再受汇率波动的影响。
Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations? 您是不是怕因为汇率浮动而吃亏?
However, it is far from clear that the US and China would regard the weakening of the dollar and Renminbi against the euro as examples of the "large-scale exchange rate fluctuations" mentioned in the Chinese statement. 然而,美国和中国是否会将美元及人民币兑欧元走软视为中方声明中提到的“汇率大幅波动”的实例,目前尚不清楚。
Critics argue that targeting inflation could be damaging in these economies if it means ignoring sharp exchange rate fluctuations and boom-bust cycles in equity and housing markets. 批评人士提出,如果通胀目标制意味着忽视剧烈的汇率波动以及股票和房地产市场的荣衰周期,那么这一制度可能会对这些经济体造成破坏。
Owing to the disappearance of tensions between European currencies, the economic performance of the eurozone will be less sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations. 由于欧洲各国货币间的矛盾不复存在,欧元区的经济对汇率波动将不再那么敏感。
Mr Idei and Mr Mitarai have since made it a priority to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on their groups'financial performance. 自那以来,出井伸之和御手洗就把减少汇率波动对集团财务状况的冲击,当作头等大事来处理。
Chinese and European policymakers yesterday agreed to co-operate in preventing big exchange rate fluctuations, as the first high-level economic talks between Beijing and the 13-nation eurozone began. 中国与欧元区13国的首轮高层经济会谈昨日开幕,与会各国决策者同意展开合作,以预防汇率的大幅波动。
A Study on the Characteristics of Exchange Rate Fluctuations from the Perspective of Behavioral Finance 行为金融视角下的汇率波动特征研究
The existing Renminbi exchange rate regime is a fixed exchange rate regime pegged at the US dollar, which is inherently unstable, lacks the function of ironing out exchange rate fluctuations and, to some extent, weakens the effectiveness of the central bank's monetary policy. 摘要现行人民币汇率制度是与美元挂钩的固定汇率制度,这种固定汇率制度具有内在的不稳定性,缺乏烫平汇率波动的功能,一定程度上削弱了央行货币政策效力。
Actual billed rates may vary due to currency exchange fluctuations. 实际费率会根据货币汇率波动而有所变更。
In this report, the exchange rate fluctuations of the currency in32 developed countries and main emerging market countries against the dollar has been analyzed and the results are obtained. 该报告对32个发达国家和新兴市场国家的货币兑美元汇率的波动,进行分析,得出了该结果。
The Sources of RMB Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations: An Empirical Study Based on Structural VAR under Long-term Restrictions 人民币实际汇率波动的源泉&基于长期约束结构VAR的实证研究
Due to exchange rate fluctuations, slight differences can occur between the amount displayed by us and the amount displayed by PayPal. 由于汇率变动的原因,我们显示的金额和贝宝显示的金额可能会有细微误差。
Continuing global external imbalances, sharp exchange rate fluctuations, rising interest rates and increasing inflationary pressures, as well as high and volatile commodity prices, pose risks that may have a chilling effect on global FDI flows. 全球外部失衡持续存在、汇率大幅波动、利率不断上升和通胀压力不断加剧,以及大宗商品价格高企和波动,造成的风险可能对全球外国直接投资流动产生降温影响。
For the small open economies Hong Kong and singapore, the most important economic threats arise from foreign exchange fluctuations, a possible hard landing in china, and from the risks associated with a global retrenchment. 对于香港和新加坡这样的小的开放经济体,最重要的经济威胁来自外汇波动、可能成功的中国经济硬着陆以及与全球紧缩相关的各种风险。
But it conceded that globalisation could "permanently increase" job insecurity for workers by making their employers more vulnerable to external shocks such as exchange rate fluctuations. 但它承认,由于全球化使雇主更容易受到汇率波动等外部冲击的影响,因此会“永久性地提高”工人就业的不安全感。
Analyzing the effect of RMB exchange rate fluctuations on trade balance is very important to trade balance regulation. 分析人民币汇率波动对我国进出口的影响,对于调节贸易收支十分重要。
The third part discusses the factors that affect the exchange rate fluctuations. 第三部探讨了影响汇率波动的因素。
The generation of foreign exchange options attributed to two important factors: the increasingly severe international financial markets, exchange rate fluctuations and the development of international trade. 外汇期权的产生归因于两个重要因素:国际金融市场日益剧烈的汇率波动和国际贸易的发展。
How exchange rate fluctuations affect the Chinese enterprise 'sOutward Foreign Direct Investment decisions? 在人民币升值过程中产生的汇率波动怎样影响中国企业的对外直接投资决策?
The Government relaxed controls on the exchange rate, exchange rate fluctuations become increasingly severe. 政府放松了对汇率的管制,汇率的波动越来越剧烈。
Currency mismatch is due to an economic entities use different currencies in payment activities, resulting in a different currency structure of assets and liabilities, cause the net worth or net income sensitivity to exchange rate fluctuations. 商业银行的货币错配是由于一个银行在经营活动中部分业务使用不同的货币计价,造成资产和负债的币值结构不同,导致其净值或净收入对汇率波动的敏感性。
This makes RMB exchange rate fluctuations increase. 这一措施使一直以来的人民币升值压力兑现,人民币汇率波动幅度有所加大。
The foreign exchange risk this article referred to is exchange rate risk, that means unexpected exchange rate fluctuations. 本文所指的外汇风险是汇率风险,即未预料到的外汇汇率波动。
There are a lot of factors affect exchange rate fluctuations, but this article mainly introduced six factors: the international balance of payments and foreign exchange reserves, prices and inflation, interest rate, economic growth, policy factors and expected factors. 影响汇率波动的因素有很多,但是本文主要从国际收支状况和外汇储备、政策因素、物价水平和通货膨胀、利率、经济增长率、预期因素这六种因素来介绍。
Chapter V is about the exchange rate regime and exchange rate fluctuations. 第五章是对汇率制度与汇率波动的再思考。
Then, this parameter method using the RMB exchange rate risk on the empirical measure, confirmed the RMB exchange rate fluctuations with time variability and non-normality. 然后,本文采用参数法对人民币汇率风险进行了实证度量,证实了我国人民币汇率波动具有时变性和非正态性。